Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Painful happiness --痛并快乐着

It's been 8 weeks now. Since 4 weeks inconclusive result, I'm expecting again!

When I saw the ultrasound shows the rapid heartbeat in the screen, a strong feeling caught me immediately. My heart starts beating faster. With the bad experience of past two miscarriages from no reason, I'm so scared and concerned this time. Though my depression went away when I knew for sure that my lovely angel returns. I got a feeling that she comes back for love.

Unlike the minimal to none side effects from last two experiences, I had very strong pregnancy sickness effect this time. Nausea, vomitting, headaches, dizziness, sense of smell, motion sickness, fatigue, heartburn, ....you name it. It's so unpleasant and annoying experience, though happiness can't be replace by any of those pain. For the first time, I can strong feel that I AM PREGANT even it's not a pleasant feeling. I have the burning sensation in my stomach 24/7. And I feel in the edge of vomitting all day long. That's awful! My taste also changed so dramatically that I was joking that's a differnet wife my husband got. I dislike a lot of foods that I previously enjoyed, and start enjoying those hot salty spicy style.

When I read some articles mentioned that women who have pregnancy sickness are more likly to have a successful pregnancy than those who don't, all those pains suddently seems worth it. Some research suggests that women who do not feel nauseous during pregnancy are two or three times more likely to have a miscarriage than those who do feel. It's painful sickness, on the other end, it makes me feel better that my baby will come healthy this time. My lost angels want to come back -- no pain can compare to that joyness! Even I'm suffering with those painful sickness, I'm happy, feel the hope again, and no long depressed. No matter how miserable I'm now, remembering that gives my baby more chance to be survive makes me to forget the sick.

Oh yeah, mom-to-be, I like this name. I'm in the mood for a new baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
